Hooray! It's Spring! |
So if you are thinking of bringing in an author to your school or library, here are some tips I've gathered over the years for making the event terrific. And in tight budgetary times, don't you want to get the most out of the dollars you spend? Of course you do!
- Send home a letter to parents announcing the upcoming visit.
The letter can include a list of books by the author and a book list and/or order form. If the parents are informed and excited about the author, the child will be too.
(Side note: When I book a school visit, I provide a confirmation letter with the date, price and other particulars spelled out, as well as a parent's letter template that teachers can easily adapt.)
While this may not be appropriate for your school, keep in mind that if students go home with a book after they've met the author, you've just set up the ideal conditions for creating an enthusiastic reader. If you will be allowing kids to buy books, leave 15 minutes between presentations for kids to get their books and have them signed.
- Consider whether or not you wish to give students the opportunity to purchase books either through advance order or on the day of the event.
While this may not be appropriate for your school, keep in mind that if students go home with a book after they've met the author, you've just set up the ideal conditions for creating an enthusiastic reader. If you will be allowing kids to buy books, leave 15 minutes between presentations for kids to get their books and have them signed.
- Ensure that teachers or parent volunteers will be available to remain in the room and to be active participants during the entire event.
One of the hardest situations for visiting authors is when they are expected to give a bang up presentation and maintain class discipline at the same time. I think I can safely say that I'm a 'pro' at doing school presentations - I've been doing school and library presentations, now, for 15+ years. I've learned during that time how to both read and 'manage' an audience, whether it is composed of restless kindies or rambunctious grade 8s.
Yet even so, there are times when even the best performance techniques, by the most experienced presenters, don't work. Usually it's because the adults in the room are not performing their roles effectively.
It's painfully obvious to the author when teachers consider our sessions to be "break" time. It's obvious to the kids too. If they see their teachers talking, grading papers, or working on a lap top during the presentation, they are getting the not-so-subtle message that the author is not worth listening to. No wonder the kids act up.
That puts the author in the difficult situation of having to stop the presentation until order is restored, or calling out misbehaving students. Now, the whole aim of the presentation - making books and literacy fun! - is undermined, and replaced with a squiggly feeling in the pit of the stomach (and not just in the author's!).
If we work together, though, we can achieve much more positive results. Make sure all the adults who will be present - teachers and parents - know what they will be responsible for. They are expected to: maintain
class discipline, focus and stimulate student questions, and model appropriate
active listening behavior.
- Make sure there are several copies of the most appropriate titles for your school in the library.
- A 'Countdown to Author Day' over the PA system is also a good way to build excitement (and build number and calendar skills to boot!)
- Teachers whose classes are attending the presentation should take the time to familiarize themselves with the author's work in advance.
Imagine how the author feels when a teacher comes up to them, after a presentation, and says, "What's your name again? I should probably look up your books." (Yes, this happens.) Now imagine how much opportunity the kids in that teacher's class have lost.
Kids dressed up like characters from my books |
- Use some of the author's books to do some cross-curricular activities with their class.
- Encourage kids to develop their own writing skills by writing their own letters of introduction to the author.
To stimulate critical thinking skills, have kids also craft questions which they may ask during the presentation.
Follow up by the presentation by having kids write thank you letters or their own stories or poems (or illustrations of favorite scenes or poems).
These can be emailed to me at Helaine@helainebecker.com.
- Younger kids can get involved by drawing pictures of what they think "the famous author" will look like!
Teachers, too enjoy the presentations more and wind up with a great 'hook' to hang other class activities on. A successful author visit is a win-win for everybody.